Customer Preparation for Pet Lovers Service
- Wash or dispose of all pet bedding. Cover aquariums and turn off air pumps.
- Remove all loose items from floor surfaces, including magazines, toys, and other small articles. Also, clear items from closet floors and beneath beds and furniture.
- On the day of treatment, thoroughly vacuum carpets, rugs, and upholstery, including under cushions. Vacuum wood and tile floors, paying extra attention to grooves, cracks, and wall/floor junctures, as well as areas frequented by pets.
- Seal the vacuum bag in a plastic bag and dispose of it outside in a covered receptacle.
- Clean all surfaces frequently touched by pets, such as table tops and window sills.
- Avoid running sprinklers on the day of service.
- If using a bagless vacuum cleaner, empty the container outside into a sealable bag, then dispose of it in the outdoor trash. Clean the container outside and let it dry before bringing it back indoors.
- Ensure all pets are removed from the home during treatment. Do not allow them to return until the treatment is completely dry. It’s also recommended to have your pet checked by a qualified veterinarian.
- Clean areas around dog houses and other outdoor spaces where pets frequent. For best results, have your lawn mowed before treatment.
- You may observe some fleas for up to two weeks after treatment.
FAQs About Pet Lovers Service